
Travelling in Greece as a local with the spiritual of the Greek Mythology


Travelling in Greece as a local with the spiritual of the Greek Mythology.

Discover Greece as a real Traveler

A program that will lead you to ‘Know yourself better’ to optimize well-being, Rejuvenate soul & body through Greek spirit, the beautiful nature and ancient Greek rituals. – Discover Greece

Ηellas-Greece one word, country, symbol and the beginning of every structure of the nowadays modern civilization. The mother of all well-known languages with Latin roots.
The place with the top famous World Heritages of Unesco, also where one of the 7 wonders of the world.
In every spot you probably been in Greece or into where ever existed Greek city in the world, you saw ruins of theatre, temple, and you felt a warmness  deep insight you, or that is a place that you probably wanted to stay a little bit longer..Why is this?

Ancient Greeks

Greek Language is the Mother, the matrix of all the well known nowadays languages that have Latin roots such as English, Italian, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish.
Greek language it has more than 70 million words!!English Language has about 850.000 words and approximately 25 % from them are Greek..

Why are we insisting so much to the Greek Language?
Discover Greece- ‘Deep Greece’ program after a lot of years of investigating, ancient Greek texts that the greatest Mystics of humanity left as such as Homer, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato left us, decided that is time to share this ancient Greek Knowledge.


The Greek Mysteries

The Greek Mysteries from prehistoric times had always presented a spiritual code of ethics and virtue for the people, distinguishing the initiated from those of a lower spiritual evolution people of a lower intellect.

If you are ready for this endless inner trip, if you are ready to uncover the veil of lethe, welcome to ‘Deep Greece’!

A combination of a revival of the Ancient Hellenic Rituals, history, mythology, ancient Greek dances, and eclectic recipes cooked on fire in ceramics potteries, biodynamic wine under the Greek sky, accompanied with the most specialized philosopher coaches, guides, archaeologists, researchers and other specialists to these fields are some of the experiences you will remember for a life time.

Ancient Greeks1

Traveling in Greece Discover real Greece:

** 3 months earlier is the minimum of this booking -request
** 8 persons is the minimum number of participants
** Suggested periods of time to be held this program: Spring (April-May-June) or Autumn time (September-October-November)
**From those they want to go deeper after this 1st circle of program it’s going to be organized 2nd &  3rd circle of those kind of programs depends on requests and the progress..
9 Nights-10 Days
Suggested Overnights:
2N in Athens (1 at the beginning and one before departure)
2N in Kefalovryso village
3N in Nafplio
2N in Epidaurus

Variety of level & type of accommodation:

Athens top-luxury type-4 to 5*

Kefalovryso-Simplicity-eco type –digital detox

Nafplio- Romantic- traditional – social

Epidaurus-isolated sea view-near to the 1st healing center in the world

Costs:  from 3,600 euros pp

(Included, accommodation, transportation, guided tours from archaeologists/ Eco tourists /coach philosophers, astronomer, historians and others, lunches- dinners- breakfasts-snacks-herbs. (Organic /local/biodynamic, cooked on fire)

It is very demanding program and partners who are involved they should do a lot of preparation to pass this knowledge from ancient Greek Language to English.

A unique and boutique program we would like people who ready to go deep to their inner self with a program, that they will choose it, not because it is expensive or weird, or impressive, but because when they read it , they will understand that is something  like a ‘inner call’ inner whisper/intuition, food for their soul..

תצפית על נהר קלאריטיקו והכפר אבלוכורי
צומרקה מפלים
צומרקה הימלאיה של יוון999
צומרקה בחורף2
הפיק הכי גבוה בצומרקה Katafiyi
המפלים בצומרקה
גיפים צפון יוון
Tzoumerka as seen from Hatzi
TREKING Katarraktis twin
The Araxthos Gorge
BEST Rafting in Voidomatis (3)
BEST Hiking Kardamyli-3675
BEST BEST BEST Hiking Biliovo trail-0105
BEST BEST ZAGORI BEST BEST NAFPLIO Limeni-Mani-Peloponnese Limeni-Mani-Peloponnese BEST BEST111 BEST BEST BEST DELPHI 1112 BEST BEST BEST YOGA 55 תצפית על נהר קלאריטיקו והכפר אבלוכורי צומרקה מפלים צומרקה הימלאיה של יוון999 צומרקה בחורף2 הפיק הכי גבוה בצומרקה Katafiyi המפלים בצומרקה גיפים צפון יוון WILD NATURE4543 Vytina4 TZOUMERKA33 TZOUMERKA_villages Tzoumerka as seen from Hatzi TREKING Katarraktis twin The Araxthos Gorge MEJESTIC MOUNTAINS HERAION Ancient LOUTRAKI-PERACHORA9999999 BEST Rafting in Voidomatis (3) BEST RAFTING 111 BEST Hiking Kardamyli-3675 BEST BEST BEST Hiking Biliovo trail-0105

Discover Greece as a traveler day by day program

Day 1:  Eleusis/Athens
You may have stopped by from Athens the capital of Greece and you may also visited the Parthenon-Acropolis, but how about meeting Nymphs opposite of the sacred hill? This stop will prepare you for the next one. Nymphs will lead you where the most respected Ancient Mysteries took place. The Eleusinian. The Eleusis-Eleusinian Mysteries, in Greek devoted to Goddess Demetra, her daughter –Kore, Persephone and Dionysus. The worship of Demetra assumed it’s the holiest and purest form. Here, the initiates believed that through her Mysteries, they would receive the blessed and God granted life after death and meankind would be released from the world of sin during his short life span.
Duration: About 6 hours
Where? Athens center near to Acropolis 1st stop-introduction, 2nd stop Eleusis:
When? On request all year round

Day 2:  Loutraki-Nafplio Ancient Greece Spa
Corinthian prefecture-Thermal Spa-Ancient Hraion-Lake Vouliagmeni
The second day is purification –Katharsis for your body, mind, soul.
Thermal spa in antiquity it was part of the Ancient Greek Rituals. We have chosen for you a very ancient place that still nowadays flowing thermal healing waters.
The city of Loutraki is the same place as the ancient commune of Thermae, that 3,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks, then the Romans, and the Byzantines, had already discovered the ancient alternative approach to healing and prevention, psychosomatic relaxation and rejuvenation.
Take into account that you need time to adjust your mind and body to the new vibration –information that you will experience due to those programs.
The element of water is the one that it will purify your aura and prepares you for one of the best unknown sunsets you ever saw, at the sanctuary of Hera.
A gulf that protects and ‘hugs’ the whole sanctuary. The Heraion of Perachora (Greek: Ηραίο Περαχώρας) is a sanctuary of the goddess Hera situated in a small cove of the Corinthian gulf at the end of the Perachora peninsula. In addition to a temple of Hera of unusual construction and antiquity, the remains of a number of other structures have also been found, including an L-shaped stoa, a large cistern, dining rooms, and a second potential temple. 

In this magical place will end with the best and symbolic character our day with the therapeutic energy of Goddess HERA-HRA-AHR-AIR-
If you reverse the letters of Hera at the end you will get the word AIR one of the 5th elements.
The reverse of letters of Greek words is a method of Socrates that we are going to analyze during this experience..

Day 3: Gold of  Mycenae the great history of Greece
Archetype of Perseus

This day is going to be another unique experience meeting the land of king Agamennon returning winner from the Trojan War.

A world monument of Unesco, Mycenae, that except its great history that has to teach you there is the important myth, an archetype, a  constellation of Perseus that still shines at the sky-Uranus  and we have to find out its symbolism that can reflect with healing way to our soul.

In this stage you are going to learn how much we are connected and affected by constellations, moon and in general from planets.
A telescope, a biodynamic wine, a philosopher coaching and the element of fire will close with the best way your day.

Day 4: Nafplio city the gem of Greece  

Where God Poseidon is and his Trident

What does the Trident symbolize? The Trident symbolizes the triune Divine principle, as expressed in the Olympian pantheon, by the three Divine brothers Zeus – Poseidon – Pluto, and the corresponding cosmic and planetary dimensions that they supervise.
But how this can be helpful in our daily life? Those information we will discover through 3 visits & ceremonies to a nearby springs/locations that the trident of Poseidon opened while he is chasing the rapist of his beloved Amimoni..

Day 5:  Kefalovryso-Cave of Inachos the mystic of Greece

Death & Passage-Light & Darkness 

Most of ancient Greek rituals they were held inside of caves. Caves played important role in antiquity and all great Mystics they meditate for a long time inside of caves.
Our today’s ritual has to do with the greatest fear that all human beings have;
Death-Thanatos. We are going to deep inside of our consciousness through guided Greek meditation and learning to how to dance the dance of life, finding our balance and the secret of not fearing the brother of Sleep (Ypnos), Death (Thanatos)..The dances are inspired from the only one certificated in Greece, dance teacher specialized in ancient Greek dances.
Food cooked on fire with potteries will accompany you this day.

Day 6: Waterfalls and The Healing Power of the Nature
Connected with Mother Nature- Fysis

Before the stop in Epidaurus you should visit some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Greece so you will once more participate in purification ceremony, and understand the importance of being unit with the master of the masters which is mother Nature, ‘she is the one that determines the circle of life but she is herself  immortal ’-Orphic  Hymns’

In this day you need some silence and the sounds of nature that they will whisper you the information that you soul needs to go on..

Day 8: Epidaurus the First healing center in the world.

This day will prepare you for one of the most important stops-ritual which is in Epidaurus, the first healing center in the world. Where Hippocrates learned his secrets that still modern medicine uses.

The last day is the zenith of all the experience you had gained so far
This day you will learn and connect with the archetype of snake.
The snake that still the modern medicine use as a symbol..  But why?
Hypnosis the technique that still Psychotherapists uses nowadays for their methods. Started from this place.
‘Tholos’ a mysterious building at the archaeological site of Epidaurus that still archaeologists they can only guess its use..
All those information & energy can be reveal before your shade comes first from yourself..

Day 7: Wellness Greece a beach party, Tai Chi, Meditation on the beach

The final of our spiritual tour to Greece

Day 9:  Athens Greece
From where you started you will end with the wisdom of Goddess Athena to accompany you. .to the rest of your life until you meet again with the Greek spirit in where it was begun. 

A philosophy symposium with the view of Acropolis and the finest Greek wines and meal prepared by executive chef with a menu based on ancient Greek recipes adjusted to the present, will seal this experience.
A philosophy discussion with all questions you may have or the experience you would like to share with all the masters and partners that participated to this program it is the time to be said/shared.

Around a table with the Goddess of Estia to remind you that without her presence nothing can be done correctly.

Discover Greece Discover Yourself in a great journey.

At the end of this journey you will be much more closer to yourself and much more consciousness to the present with all the necessary daily spiritual tools that you gained on your own, through Greek spirit & Universe, in order to be stronger, healthier, happier and a precious symbolic gift to remind you who you are and what you can achieve..

Love where you are going and smile the way back home…

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